The Fashion Relationship - #ONE Mckenzie McCaffrey

This is the first instalment of a little project called The Fashion Relationship. I'm forever interested by the way women interact with their clothing. How it makes them feel, those first fashion memories and what defines their style. Clothing has the instant ability to make us feel so many different emotions, just by putting on a top or dress! I've put together a bunch of questions to pry into the wardrobes and emotions of women I respect.
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Rainfall Cami Dress
Mckenzie McCaffrey wore our garments for a mini shoot a couple of months ago and shared her early fashion memories with us. Mckenzie is the most gentle being I have ever met. Her style is relaxed, but considered every time I see her. She's a mumma to the sweetest little boy August, almost 2 and the bearer of a magical singing voice. Mckenzie and her husband have the most beautiful chocolate brown dog Harvey and live on the Central Coast NSW.
Kick Jump Twist Jumpsuit
  • What is your earliest memory with fashion?
I remember wearing dresses that my mum made me when I was little. There was one that had sunflowers on it that was actually really beautiful. Another in a pink rose printed fabric that had tiered ruffles and puffy short sleeves (I wore this one to death)! I also remember a skirt in the same rose print but baby blue and my sister had a matching dress. 
  • 3 words that best describe your current style?
Simple. Neutral. Comfortable. 
  • What makes you want to buy a garment now?
In light of recently becoming more aware of all the problems our planet is facing I'm trying to make small changes in order to live a more sustainable life. So now, I want to buy garments that are good - good for me, good for the earth and good for a long time. I want garments that last and that I can love for years and years, not just for a season. 
  • Can you describe your most coveted piece of clothing in your wardrobe? And tell us how it came to be in your posession?
People often comment on this oversized brown coat I bought when I was living in London about 7 years ago. I got it on sale at Anthropologie and have never stopped loving it. It's travelled a lot but is still in great condition and will be worn for years to come.
  • If wardrobes could talk, what would yours say to you!?
It would probably ask for some new additions and maybe a bit of TLC. Before I got married I spent a lot of time and money on clothes. Now with a husband and a toddler other things take priority so I rarely buy new garments these days. There are a few items in my wardrobe that could do with a good dry clean too (aka my wedding dress and my coveted brown coat!). 
  • Are you a pants and top or a dress kinda gal?
Depends on the season. Winter sees me in jeans and sweaters but in Summer I'm all about dresses. Lightweight cottons and linens that I can just throw on are my favourite. 
  • What do the words conscious consumption manifest for you?
Awareness. Knowing where your garments come from, what they're made of and what their impact is. This is something kinda new to me but also something I think is really important. I saw a post on social media the other day about how long it takes different fabrics to decompose and it was pretty eye opening. 
Trailblazer shirt